Circadia as a brand, as well as the entire product collection, is based on natural circadian rhythms and chronobiology, the science of protecting the skin from environmental damage during the day and stimulating internal repair mechanisms during sleep. This is the core of the research and development of the unique as well as effective products.
Circadia formulations and product formulas combine pure botanicals, stem cell technology, second generation vitamins and innovative peptide developments to achieve optimal skin health and beauty. The Circadia collection offers unique treatment options such as alternatives to chemical peels, innovative delivery systems and patented ingredient technologies that are exclusive to Circadia and have documented performance. The concept allows science and nature to be combined in perfect rhythm.
Dr. Peter T. Pugliese founded Circadia L.E. in 2001 in Leesport (State of Pennsylvania) in the United States of America. He was the first practicing physician to make the science of skin accessible to the aesthetic / cosmetic community with his groundbreaking textbook: “Advanced Professional Skin Care” (published in 1990). For many years, Dr. Pugliese provided skin care professionals with ever-changing illustrations and insights, as well as accurate medical terminology, and introduced the fundamentals of cosmetic chemistry. The popularity of Dr. Pugliese’s scientific articles made him the most sought-after speaker and expert in the skin care and cosmetics industry. At the beginning of the new millennium, new scientific discoveries in skin science and the use of active raw materials prompted Dr. Pugliese to completely revise and re-illustrate his original textbook. In 2006, “Advanced Professional Skin Care / Medical Edition” was published. Another bestseller from his pen is called “The Physiology of the Skin” (editions I, II, III). Dr. Pugliese has received almost all the awards given by the “Society of Cosmetic Chemists”, including the highest honor and recognition, the “Maison De Navarro Award” for his technical contributions to cosmetic chemistry. The company’s founder is considered the first researcher to apply his decades of knowledge to a results-oriented understanding of the skin, its capabilities and rhythms, resulting in clinical and relevant information for product development. Prior to founding Circadia in 2001, Dr. Pugliese spent 30 years as a scientific consultant as well as developing and manufacturing products for major cosmetic brands. A chemist, Michael Q. Pugliese is the current owner and CEO of Circadia L.E., following in his grandfather’s footsteps. He has risen to become an inspirational leader and a driving innovator in cosmetic product development. He is also recognized as an internationally respected educator and excellent auditor. He has taken the Circadia brand to more than 30 countries, establishing Circadia’s reputation worldwide. Circadia Europe GmbH, located in Wiesbaden, the capital of the German state of Hesse, has been the new base since August 2022 to strategically develop the European market and thus sustain the growth of the brand. With the partnership between Michael Q. Pugliese and Karim Benguerich, a separate company was founded for European marketing.
The company Calista GmbH, based in Frauenfeld, is responsible for distribution in Switzerland. Calista GmbH was founded in 2002 and specializes in the distribution of innovative products of major brands in the field of aesthetics and surgery. Their intention is to continuously optimize their services and to always offer customers something more than others do in all areas.